Bali Single

R 9,500.00 Sale
We would like to present you the Future , and it comes from the Past! Yeah the Single fin is back , but not THAT old single fin but a board that has a high performance level of surfing with sharp ,radical turns and sky high aerials and all sort of tricks ! The Single Life presents the BS , not really but the Bali Single ; a board first tested in the warm waters and perfect waves of Bali . The design presents the classic Rdot logo with 3 shadows and fluo colors and the art work brings back the 80′s. Here is how Rusty describes his creation : It’s got a relaxed rocker a lot like the ’84 Occy type boards…not old school single fin At first I was going to give it an old school beak but thought about it and decided against that. I wanted to keep any excess swing weight out of the front of the board. Deck is semi flat and rails full but angular so they don’t feel bloated. A low tight apex and almost a light chine in the last 18″. Lots of release. The bottom has a very light single in the mid section vee through the fins and off the tail. The spine of the vee is above the rail but it has a slight concave out towards the rail creating a little hook in the wings. The spine of the vee is knocked off…very subtle but is gives a light roll to the peak of the vee and helps to give it a smoother transition panel to panel. The corners of the tail are lifted a little..the vee accelerates off the Back.

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